Duvel and De Koninck |
There are two experiences that the other blogger loves to work into conversation, her summer waitressing at Pizzeria UNOs (any food discussion eventually leads to the statement “Well at UNOs we….”) and her semester abroad in Belgium. I have yet to have the opportunity to take her on a date to her former place of employment, but I have been able to give her a taste of those months she spent drinking her way through Antwerp. Whenever we are in Philadelphia, I take her to our new favorite bar Eulogy, a stateside slice of Belgium almost as good as the real thing.
Eulogy's menu is in Flemish, the language of Antwerp, and offers traditional Belgium fare including superb mussels and frites. Their beer list is extensive containing seemingly every brew from Belgium including our favorites Duvel (on tap) and De Koninck. So if you're in Philly looking for a unique drinking experience or trying to recapture time spent abroad, head to Eulogy, we love this place.

I dare you to find anyone who went on that trip who doesn't love to work it into causal (and not so causal) conversation.